How desperate are you?

In Mark 7: 24-30, we read of a woman with a demon possessed daughter who was so desperate for the power of God to move in her life that she threw herself to the floor at the feet of Jesus, embarrassing herself totally and abandoning all sense of self dignity and respect.

She begged for an encounter with Jesus and it was her sheer desperation and intense hunger that saw Jesus answer her cry and deliver her daughter from her affliction.

Our attitude to God should be the same. We should have a fierce desperation and intense hunger to spend time with our heavenly father and an approach to experiencing his goodness that doesn't care about how we look or what people think of us.

My simple questions to you are this: how desperate for God are you? How hungry for God are you?

What are the intentional places and spaces you go to meet with God? When do you take time out in the middle of your ordinary routine to encounter an extraordinary God? The God who has the power to change your circumstance in an instance and who's awe inspiring wonder marks our lives for destiny and purpose.

As a movement, we are increasingly struck by the conviction that the people of God should have a desperation for encounter and experience with God.

Not to be spiritual junkies, but to be so hungry for God to move on their campuses and in their cities, that when God is on the move they will move everything to meet with Him and be filled with His spirit.

In your student context, where do you encounter God?

Is there a time of day or a specific place in your house or halls that you set apart to spend time with God? When i was a final year student, I made sure I never spent time working in my room and saw it as my space to meet God. You could create a space in your diary or a physical place with friends where you meet to worship and encounter God. We frequently need a touch from heaven to sustain us through the often dull and frustrating realities of earth.

We are calling people passionate about encountering God to join us in Oxford this Autumn for our Firebrands conference.

We don't want to host a conference to tick a box, we are motivated and driven by a desire to see students encounter the inspiring power and awesome presence of God that marks us for something more in our lives. Get some mates from your church together and come desperate and hungry to meet with God.

Find out more

Fusion Team

The vision of Fusion is to see every student have the opportunity to find hope in Jesus and home in the local church during their time at university. Written by the Fusion Team & friends of Fusion, the Fusion blog is full of tips, resources, and stories that will equip and inspire you to play your part in the student mission narrative.