Preparing for University in a time of Uncertainty: Part 1 - Start Now

When it is time to start university in the Autumn; what can we expect? How will we learn and gather? What will student life be like?

There are many questions and important areas of clarity needed when it comes to starting university in 2020. These details tend to dominate our thoughts and emotions and it is difficult to prepare with so much uncertainty. The university life that you have heard about or even tasted doesn’t look like it will be your university life; at least not initially. 

However, the information we crave to give our minds some respite will come our way eventually and there is much preparation to do in the meantime. In fact, the really important aspects of preparation can be started today, right now.

In Jeremiah 6:16 the Lord instructs the people to

“Stand at the crossroads and look;

    ask for the ancient paths,

ask where the good way is, and walk in it,

    and you will find rest for your souls"

You can begin to chart a course now by doing the same. By stopping, pausing, and considering your ways – your time, your desires, your habits, and your expectations. God has good things for you, but you have to choose to walk in them.

In this blog series we will be looking at the following:

Summer Opportunities

Helpful Habits

Finding Friends 

Church Community 

Fasten your seatbelt and get ready to play your part in the new adventure of university.


Rich Wilson is movement leader of Fusion. He has recently written ‘A Call Less Ordinary’ to help students discover their calling in God and navigate the next steps.


Rich Wilson

Fusion Movement Leader

Rich loves students and God’s church and has championed the important role of local churches in student mission for over 25 years. He wants to invite a generation to A Call Less Ordinary.

Partner with Rich