Evangelism isn’t just for evangelists and mission isn’t just for missionaries.

Naomi is a first-year student and has had a wild year at university! At the start of the year she was one of two Christian in her accommodation block, there are now 5 Christians. Naomi has countless stories of choosing to be bold and seeing God move, her testimony is one of faithfulness and intimacy with God. Her stories are all from a place over overflow from a deep relationship with her heavenly father. Here are some of Naomis thoughts and reflections on what it means to be on mission as a student... 

Evangelism isn’t just for evangelists and mission isn’t just for missionaries.

University is one of the biggest mission fields. As followers of Jesus, we are all called to be the salt and light (Matthew 5:13-16), to share the Good News to the world. Needless to say, University campuses are places where the absence of God in the lives of young adults is heavily present. God created us for such a time as this, in 2021 and has placed you where you are with specific people around you and in your day-to-day life.

When I first moved to University in September, I had just come back to the UK after living in France for three years. Over those years, I couldn’t count on others to feed me in my faith, so I learned to lean on God alone and His Word. This made my faith my own and really deepened my relationship with Jesus however I really missed being able to share that with brothers and sisters in Christ. Moving to Nottingham and joining Trinity Church, I heard God say ‘Welcome home’ as I met fellow Christians who were also passionate about Jesus and sharing His light to the world. It was such a privilege to share my love for God with others and partner together in mission. I can’t accentuate enough the importance of community as you seek God’s Kingdom as a student and in general.

Living in student accommodation can be challenging at times, especially when you openly choose to live out your faith in a secular culture. My housemates were definitely more respectful than I assumed although I was constantly surrounded by things that God calls us away from.

Especially in the UK, there is a big drinking culture at university, and many encounter peer pressure in this area as a part of student life. I know where Jesus stands with this topic and know scripture (Ephesians 5:18), so I would stand out to others and they would ask why I didn’t have the desire to get drunk. I could also see past the surface-level behaviour and the real reasons why my friends were using alcohol and other substances as coping mechanisms.

Since God created us, only He knows what is good for us, and He created us to long for a deep relationship with Him. So whenever my housemates asked how I coped with difficult circumstances and how I am always joyful - it provided an amazing opportunity to share the Gospel. Sharing the good news is much simpler than we tend to make it out to be. Jesus equips us as He sends us out in His power and gives us the Holy Spirit to help us speak life to others. You can simply ask Him, He will give you eyes to see the opportunities around you. And remember; the same power that raised Jesus from the dead lives in you! - Romans 8:11.

So for you who’s reading this, I strongly encourage you to step out in faith, learn to depend on God and create space for Him to move in the lives of those who surround you.

Katie McLean

Regional Team Leader

It was at university that Katie learnt what it meant to follow Jesus, and she wants to see a generation of students invited to do the same. She loves it when students are bold in their faith and churches are creative in reaching students.

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