'Surviving' summer

Some work all hours to make some cash, others spend all their cash travelling the world, many get home, sit on the sofa and think ‘what now’…for the next 12 weeks…

Yet travelling the world isn't the only way to have a summer of impact, experience and discovery.  Working isn't the only benefit to a summer off campus.  This is an opportunity to explore life, God, family and friendship in different rhythms to term time.  This isn't about surviving summer.  It's time to ask yourself, what is this a summer of...

Why not a summer of generosity : From making your sister a cup of tea to donating a week’s wages to someone in need; could you be outrageously, consistently generous this summer?

How about a summer of learning : read some amazing books (Studentscape? *cheeky plug*), go to public lectures, download podcasts, learn a new skill (knitting / card tricks / a language / beatboxing), read a book of the Bible all the way through and meditate on what you’re discovering. 

It could be a summer of correspondence : write to your uni friends, write to your MP about issues you care about, write to yourself in three years’ time and put it somewhere safe.  Draw pictures, send gifts, write songs. 

Why not make it a summer of prayer : Pray differently each week - journalling, painting, scriptural prayer, liturgy, music, reading the Psalms… Discover God in new ways and allow him to speak in this different context.  Ask him about your year just gone, about the year ahead…

What will this be the summer of…?

Check out more creative ideas for a profound, exciting summer at Rhythms.org/action

Pippa Elmes

Head of Partnership

Pippa supports those in church based student ministry to do their job really well. She loves challenging churches to work with students and equipping them to pioneer new mission opportunities to reach students.                     

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