What If?

I am a dreamer. I love to dream and think and question and dream a bit more. I can happily spend a good portion of my day thinking and dreaming up big visions and plans.

A popular dreaming question for me is ‘What if…?’

What if all students, who were part of a local church, were loved, cherished, discipled and released into all God has for them?

What if these students became passionate about their friends, course mates, flat mates, sport teams and societies?

What if these students began speaking with confidence and without fear about Jesus to anyone who would listen?

What if we saw thousands of students come into the knowledge of the wonderful, saving grace of Jesus and we saw them commit their lives to God?

Caleb was a dreamer but he was also an activist. When he was sent with a bunch of guys by Moses to check out the promise land, he saw the potential it had. He saw that it was filled to the brim with great resources and he dreamed of the ‘what could be’. But unlike the rest of the troop he believed his dream could be a reality. The other men spoke about how they could never get the land as the men in it were strong and the cities were powerful. Caleb said No, we should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it. Numbers13:30 He understood that with God, unlikely things were possible.

What are your impossible dreams? We often dream dreams but never believe that they will actually happen. How often do we pray into our dreams and ask God to make them reality? How often do we spend time saying ‘I’m not sure that’s ever going to change’ instead of ‘Yes, I believe that this could happen’? I long for a Caleb spirit for myself, for church leaders, student workers and students, that we won’t just think about things and get daunted by these audacious dreams but we will pray intentionally, believe in the power of God and work hard to see them become a reality.

Caleb got to enter the Promised Land.

What dream will you see happen?

Photo: Hartwig HKD via Flickr

Ciara McBrien

Fusion Scotland Developer

Ciara connects & serves churches and students across Scotland. She lives in Edinburgh where she was a student and is part of Central Church. She is passionate about seeing the church engage with students and disciple them.