Creative Worship

Worship in groups doesn’t have to involve singing. God has given us a wide range of creative gifts we can use to praise him. The following ideas will work well in small groups.
Write a Psalm

Many of the psalms were originally written and used as hymns. Select one to read out, then ask everyone to write their own. Emphasise that the aim is to connect with God rather than to produce a literary masterpiece! No one will be judged on the quality of their writing. End with people reading out what they have written.

Focus on Creation

Look at the stars, go for a walk in a park, climb some trees together, find some leaves/flowers to look at. Spend some time taking in what you see, smell, hear and feel. Ask God what he wants to say to you. Try Sensio Divina: 

Read a Poem

Read out a poem, or maybe an old hymn. Then pray together. 

Do Some Writing

Gather around a big sheet of paper with marker pens and ask everyone to write down words that describe God. Discuss why different people wrote what they did.

Light a Candle

This one works best when it’s dark outside. Light a single candle, gather around it and turn off the lights. Have everyone focus on the light from the candle while someone reads a suitable scripture. E.g.: Isaiah 9v2, Mathew 5v14-16, John 1v1-18, John 8v12.

Break Bread

Take communion together. You could find some liturgy online, read a bible passage about the first communion, or do something creative that focuses on the work of the cross.

Make Some Art

Gather some art materials and ask everyone to make a piece of art that reflects how they feel about God. There are endless ways to do this: get a stack of old magazines and make a collage; use cardboard boxes to make a 3D sculpture, make a picture with paint, crayons or felt tips; or take photos and print them out. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.

Meditate on Scripture

Choose a passage most people will be familiar with, e.g.: Pslam 23. Read the passage one line at a time and focus on what it is saying. Allow some silence between each line and time afterwards for people to explain what they were thinking and hearing from God.

Show a Presentation or Video

Make a powerpoint presentation or short video to illustrate a passage from the bible, e.g.: the Lord’s Prayer. Show it to the group with some background music playing, then go into a time of prayer. If you have the time, make the presentation or video as a group.

Make Some Noise!

All make noise together - singing out in tongues, humming, speaking out praise to God. Encourage people to step out and give a public tongue or sing a prophetic song.

Be Quiet

Spend ten minutes in silence listening to God (set a timer on someone’s phone). If people find their minds wandering they shouldn’t feel bad: they should simply bring their mind back to listening to God. Afterwards ask people to share what God said to them. Did people find it easier or harder than they thought to be quiet?

Get Rid of Rubbish

Give everyone a piece of paper and ask them to write down what they have been forgiven of, or hindrances that stand between them and God, or burdens they are carrying. Screw up the paper into a metal container and burn it (do this outside!) or have a bowl of warm water to symbolically wash your hands of it. End with prayers of thanks to God.

Wash Each Other’s Feet

Grab some washing up bowls, soap and towels and wash each other’s feet. As you do so reflect together on the fact that Jesus washed the feet of his followers. 

Travel Through a Labyrinth

Labyrinths are an ancient way of travelling with God. Find out more about making one, or do an online one, here: 

Memorise Scripture

Write out a verse on a large sheet of paper. Have everyone read it out loud a few times, then cover up a couple of the words and read it again. Keep covering up more and more words until the whole verse is covered and the group can recite the verse from memory. 

Tell Your Stories

Ask one or two people to bring a testimony. Then thank God for what he’s doing in their life and what He is going to do.

Speak to Each Other

Ahead of meeting allocate each person one or two others in the group. Ask everyone to pray and come with something they think God might be saying to these people. This could be through a picture, object or scripture.

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