What is Poverty?

We think we know what poverty is. We look at the news and we're convinced our definition of poverty is correct. But is it? 


Check out this video to think about poverty in it's most full sense. Poverty is not just a lack of stuff or resource but it a separation from others, from our maker and from basic human needs. Poverty is everywhere - it is on our campuses, it is in our communities and it is most visible in times when we read the news and hear that 4 million people are refugees from Syria and the Nepal quake has left countless people without homes.

Poverty is everywhere, it is in everyone and God's answer - the church. What a compelling story the church has to offer the world! 

We cannot sit back and wait for 'the church' to get up and do something. We are the church - we need to get up and do something. An answer is found in you; in your habits, in your conversations with flatmates, in your shopping habits and your giving.

What is Poverty? For me... it's an invitation to be like Jesus in places of brokenness. What about you?

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