If I could have my time again...

I asked a group of people including church leaders, post grads, and some of my own uni mates this question…

If you could have your time again in uni, what would you do? What advice would you give yourself? 

This is what they'd say to their younger selves...

  1. Be confident in your faith, not embarrassed by it. You have something amazing to offer people, so be confident in that!
  2. Don’t be fearful, take more risks!
  3. Take more opportunities to tell lots of people about Jesus. It’s a great opportunity! Tell more people!!
  4. You have loads more time! Make the most of your long summer, go inter-railing or be adventurous. At uni, check out new places, travel the city, don’t have the ‘I cant be bothered’ attitude, make the effort!
  5. Spend more social time with my society mates
  6. Work harder- God has called me to do this degree, do it well.
  7. Get into a daily habit of reading your bible and prayer, that’ll stay with you for life
  8. Start serving in church sooner
  9. Get a job in the uni
  10. Don’t worry if you still don’t feel at home. Its normal to feel like uni is a big culture shock or uncomfortable for awhile. Chill, you’ll get there.
  11. Worrying and stressing gets you nowhere. Just put your mind to something and get on with it e.g. with your essays! It’ll all work out in the end!
  12. Make sure you take some regular ‘me time’, uni is a bustle of ‘new’- new place, new people, new life, don’t try to please everyone but be yourself.

If you’re looking for an adventure this summer check out #escapeandpray

If you’re looking to step it up a notch in your discipleship and missional living in uni check out all the awesome stories in living mission.

Chloe Richards

Fusion Wales Developer

Chloe connects & serves churches and students across Wales. She lives in Swansea and studied Theology and Religion at uni. Alongside her role with Fusion she’s also Student Worker at Cornerstone Church Swansea.