Staring university- The Start 1/4

When you're in a muddy field and the ground is shaking because the bass is so loud with the distant shout of 'hot chocolate mountain' you know you’re at Soul Survivor!

I was so excited to get stuck into the summer festivals again this year meeting loads of students and sixth formers who are heading off to uni this September. 

One of the things that really got me this year, meeting the nearly freshers, was the excitement that was buzzing out of them to start on their uni adventure!

One conversation with a sixth former really stuck me. When I asked her "how are you feeling about starting?" immediately her eyes lit up and she said "I’m SO excited! I can’t wait to go and get stuck in!"

Starting university can bring out loads of emotions

We may not expect this but it's worth thinking about how you feel about starting university before you actually get there:

  • What are you excited about?
  • What are you unsure about? 

Uni is probably the biggest transition of your life so far, so it makes sense to prepare as fully as possible before you get there. Meet up with a current student or someone who has just graduated to process how you feel about that huge transition. There are no right or wrong answers, but loads of wisdom to be gained- so pick their brains and get all their top tips.

We truly believe that God will speak to you in your preparations for uni and so be open to hearing from Him and trusting He has a plan and extraordinary opportunities ahead of you! Pray about how God will use you and teach you throughout uni. 

Sam’s story: 

I had the seemingly common feeling of scared/excited anticipation before going to study at Loughborough University and met so many great people, all from an infinite number of backgrounds with unlimited opportunities at my fingertips that developed from this new found freedom. The greatest thing was knowing that everybody is in the same situation, being super friendly and wanting to have a good laugh!

Uni is fun and full to the brim with opportunities, make the most of it with God at the centre.


Use the prayer below to get ready for the adventure of a lifetime! 

Dear Lord.
Thank you for the amazing time that university can be and that you are going to be with me every step of the way. Help equip me to be ready for the challenges but also help me be ready to grab hold of the challenges. In all things, may university be a time where I grow as a disciple and be used by you to change my friends and communities.


This is 1/4 of a Starting University blog series.

2. Starting university - The Culture 

4. Starting university - The Legacy 


Student Linkup Sessions video: 1. The Start