Escape and Pray D.I.Y- Vision

The vision of #EscapeAndPray is to see a net cast over Europe for a great catch in the sea of university cities. To send teams out on mission, prepared yet unplanned, to connect with churches, to pray, prophesy, serve and bless.

We want to see teams focused on bringing people together across nations for the sake of the Gospel, and following the Holy Spirit’s lead as they boldly step out.

Think pilgrim, not tourist.

We understand that #EscapeAndPray is out of your comfort zone, and that it will deny your natural instinct of having accommodation* and meal plans in place. Keep the following commandments on your trip, to help keep you on track and joy-filled.

The Escape & Pray Commandments

  1. Pause: God knows where you are going and is with you. Invite him into the whole of your adventure.
  2. Record: Take photos and videos of your adventure & challenges. Share your adventure with friends.
  3. Travel: Keep it light. A rucksack is fine. You want it to be small enough to carry on as hand luggage.
  4. Phone: Use it to share your adventure on social media and to find what you need, but don’t let it become a distraction.
  5. Accept: The people and the situations you face - accept them. Be open to new relationships and be ready for God connections.
  6. Smile: Stay relaxed and don’t take things or yourself too seriously! Smile at circumstances and people. Enjoy the challenge of Escape and Pray.
  7. Humble: We don’t come with all the answers- pray for the universities and serve and strengthen those reaching out to students.
  8. Notice: Like Paul in Athens allow yourself to be moved by what you see and hear. Be prepared to change your plans and follow God-nudges.
  9. Eat: Embrace welcome, say yes to hospitality and eat what is set before you. Definitely try the local cuisine.
  10. Pray: Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done.

To get you started, complete our 12-Day Escape and Pray Devotions and preparation worksheet. You should feel well prepared as you work your way through these, but if you feel like you’re missing anything, let us know!

Download the Devotionals

Get in touch

*If you’re not up for going with no plans in place, don’t let it become a distraction- nab a hostel bed, then get cracking and focus on your mission. You are DARING, not DESPERATE, so avoid frantic pleas for help.