4 Things That Stopped Me Sharing Jesus

What was the last amazing film you saw at the cinema?

Which Netflix box-set caused you to put your social life on hold and make you realise that your self-control isn’t quite as good as you thought it was?

We can all think of one, right? For me, it was ‘Peaky Blinders’. I just couldn’t stop at one episode!

When I discover a new series or anything that captivates me for that matter, like a great band, a great restaurant or a Netflix box-set, I am compelled to do one thing: tell my friends!

Why, do we do this? Why do we go out of our way to encourage our friends to get involved and experience what we’ve just experienced? I think it’s because good news is meant to be shared! (see Facebook on a-level results day and I think you will agree). In our stressful lives, these experiences are good news and we want our friends to be involved.

For me this is profound! I work for an evangelistic ministry called CV, our aim is to introduce one billion people to the gospel and provide an opportunity to choose a personal faith in Jesus. In my job, I have the opportunity to visit church leaders and Christians from a cross-section of denominations and backgrounds, and for the majority, people struggle when it comes to sharing the gospel. Why is this?

The Greek word for the ‘gospel’ in the bible is ‘euangélion’, this literally means ‘good news’. God, in a profound act of love sent Jesus to Earth, who lived the perfect life and lay it down for a sinful and depraved people so that they can have a relationship with God. Not only that, there will be a time when we will be free from pain, sickness and sorrow and we will be with Jesus forever.

I think every follower of Jesus reading this would agree that the good news of Jesus supersedes the good news of Netflix, a gourmet burger and even our favourite film a million times over. So why are we more eager to share the latest box-sets than the gospel? Why do we find a gospel, so amazing yet so hard to share with our friends at uni? And what are the reasons that cause us to shrink in fear and recoil away from sharing our faith?

In this series, I will highlight four key factors that act as obstacles when it comes to sharing Jesus effectively.

  1. Who’s your Daddy?

  2. It's War!

  3. Who are ya?

  4. Bridge Building 

Who Do You Say I Am? | HOPE Easter from CVUK on Vimeo.

Gareth Fitzpatrick

Gareth works for Christian Vision, a global charity that partners and equips the local Church with online resources (such as yesHEis & Simple Truth). He is passionate about encouraging Christians to share their faith in a way that is culturally relevant and authentic.