Who are ya?

Our Misconception of an Evangelist

 I think another major stumbling block to sharing Jesus can be that we often see evangelists in a certain way. They are charismatic, extroverts with thick skin. They can communicate anywhere and are the life and soul of the room, they care little for what others think and unless we match these characteristics we either:

  • Freak out!

  • Leave it to the Experts - We Conclude that we are not evangelists, rule ourselves out and leave it to those who match the job description.

However, the bible makes it clear that evangelism isn’t an optional “add-on” for Christians that meet the “job description”. God wants us the share our faith and make disciples! It is a command and something that Jesus in Matt 28 clearly expects from his followers

So that leaves us with the first option, freak out! And why wouldn’t we? We are being asked to act in a way that isn’t in our nature. Imagine telling a striker minutes before the FA Cup final that they will be playing in goals. I know it’s an odd analogy but what reaction do you think they would have? They would freak out and maybe even faint! Why is this? They are strikers! They are wired this way and they excel at scoring goals, not saving them! After an experience like this the footballer most probably wouldn’t want to turn up again for match day, fearful of what he may be asked to do.

 I believe similar things happens in our churches when it comes to evangelism. We will have an event and everyone is expected to invite a friend and call that evangelism. There is nothing wrong with this approach but it isn’t the only way. The one-size-fits-all idea of an evangelist prevalent in church culture is quite frankly a fallacy.

Another Way

I love God, we are created in His image and when I look at the diversity in my own Church, let alone in the world, I am blown away by what I see. So many different strengths, skills, talents and personalities.

This diversity is celebrated in 1 Corinthians 12, Paul refers to the Church as a human body. Each part is unique, has its own function and purpose yet each part is needed.

I am an introvert, I like to have time for myself and my thoughts. I love going out with my wife for a quiet meal or walk. I enjoy Golf, Man Utd and coffee. I am sensitive, passionate and caring. How I evangelise will probably look different to how you evangelise. I excel in one-to-one conversations. I find it easy to discuss faith issues over a coffee.

As I stated earlier evangelism isn’t an optional extra, if we follow Jesus, we are all in! How you evangelise on your campus to your sphere of influence may look completely different to how I do it and that is ok.

To some people this may be a new concept, I recommend taking the time to ask yourself some questions. What excites and motivates you? Are you an introvert or an extrovert? What opportunities do you have to reach your peers, housemates, family and classmates?  Are you part of a gym, club are their potential opportunities that you have yet to discover. Finally, ask God how he would like to use you (in all your uniqueness) to reach your friends with the gospel?


Gareth Fitzpatrick

Gareth works for Christian Vision, a global charity that partners and equips the local Church with online resources (such as yesHEis & Simple Truth). He is passionate about encouraging Christians to share their faith in a way that is culturally relevant and authentic.