Finding a new church to call home

You have thought long and hard where you are going to uni, you have thought long and hard about what course you are studying. You have (If you’re anything like me) thought long and hard about what colour scheme you want in your new bedroom, and have curated photos and posters of all your mates and travels to go on your wall. You’ve got your first day at uni outfit planned and you’ve got your fancy dress at the ready for Freshers’. 

Have you thought and planned much for finding a church to call home? 

This is a hugely important decision. 

BUT before we go any further, there is no perfect church! 

You will be hunting for a very, very long time if you are after the ideal church that ticks all your boxes. 

Have a think now, maybe grab a notebook or get up the notes in your phone and list 5 things you would love to find in a church. 

Now, I’m not promising that you will find all of these things, but it’s a good starting point to get thinking about what church means to you and what you value most to help guide the decision making process. 

Here are some practical top tips for finding a church: 

  1. Have a think and a pray about what you are looking for in a church 
  2. Download the Student Linkup App 
  3. Pick 4 churches you would like to visit and use your first few weeks to check them all out (you might want to try each one a couple of times)

Most university cities have so many brilliant churches you could be church searching until Christmas. The quicker you stick, the quicker you will be known and the quicker you can get stuck in. 

One final thought on finding a church to call home. Make sure you get stuck in with building community, particularly with people who aren’t students and get yourself on a serving team - is it even your home if you don’t know where the hoover lives?

Cheering you on and praying for you as you find a church to call home at uni! 

Katie McLean

Regional Team Leader

It was at university that Katie learnt what it meant to follow Jesus, and she wants to see a generation of students invited to do the same. She loves it when students are bold in their faith and churches are creative in reaching students.

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