We're not called to be comfortable!

So, we’ve been out, we’ve been inviting our mates to trychurch, and friends have started to say yes!


As your community grows, it will begin to shift and change. Your small group will have new faces, your vulnerability will be challenged, and your level of comfort will be challenged.

It’s worth acknowledging that like anything in life, growth can sometimes be painful. Are we prepared for that?

Church isn’t a place to get comfy. It is a place to belong, to call home and a place of peace but it’s also a place to grow as a follower of Jesus and a space that won't stay static. As we look to become more like Jesus, and as we look to invite a generation of students to try church, the landscape of church as you know it will shift.

You may need to step up and lead, to pioneer and plant out new small groups, to invest in new Christians and take them on a journey of discovering more of who Jesus is. Or you may simply need to choose to be vulnerable in a small group setting with new faces, so they feel invited, trusted and have permission to do the same.

It can be daunting, but as we go out and invite out friends, we must remember that it doesn’t stop with the invitation. We are inviting people into a lifelong God adventure and into a season of change, challenge, and revelation. We need to be ready to walk through that with our mates.

Are you ready to jump out of your comfort zone and commit to building church this year?



Katie McLean

Regional Team Leader

It was at university that Katie learnt what it meant to follow Jesus, and she wants to see a generation of students invited to do the same. She loves it when students are bold in their faith and churches are creative in reaching students.

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