A tragic rewrite of an old movie classic

Imagine being part of a Small Group that people can't wait to gather for; it's fun, it's adventurous, it's energising. 

Micah is a student in her final year leading a freshers small group, check out her small group top tips and stories of God on the move...

Plates full of snacks and mugs full of coffee...

People that help out when Small Group is ending...

When all of your Small Group sign up for teams. These are a few of my favorite things!

All tragic rewrites of epic movie classics aside, leading a Student Small Group is full of these weird, happy little moments. It’s super exciting when someone quiet is the first person to kick off a conversation. It’s absolutely thrilling when a newcomer brings a friend along to Small Group and it’s downright euphoric when your Small Group openly love and encourage one another.

It probably sounds quite silly that these things have me jumping up and down giving thanks to God, but to me they all speak of growth. The greatest privilege of leading a Student Small Group is being able to come alongside another person and see the ways in which God moves in their life.

I would be lying if I said that it was always an easy process. Small Group leading is not without its challenges but with Jesus as the foundation, even these challenges can become stepping stones to more meaningful relationships and a greater understanding of God’s purpose for the groups that make up the ‘body’ that we read about in Romans 12.

So in light of these great joyful moments and exciting challenges, here are 4 tips that I have found helpful in my own journey with leading a Student Small Group.


Jesus’ love is an amazing thing. In spending time with Jesus (whether that’s reading your bible, worshipping or just chatting to him) we gain an understanding on the impact of this incredible gift. Learning about this love and the person of Jesus has helped me to be bold in showing His love and expressing his character to others. That’s why it’s so important that your own relationship with Jesus comes first - so you can lead from overflow.


When we know who Jesus is and learn how to hear His voice, we can ask Him to show us where He wants our Small Group to learn and grow. God absolutely loves your Small Group and has awesome plans, so keep an ear out for what He’s saying and then act on it.


This might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but I’ve found keeping a notebook handy is super helpful. I jot down everything from birthdays to Small Group sessions. It’s also a great place to keep a track of your Small Group’s strengths and use those handy reminders to encourage them.


I love my fellow Small Group Leaders and I’d be completely lost without them. Leading Small group together, as a team, makes planning sessions, praying for Small Group and getting support so much easier. Invest in those relationships and you can’t go wrong.


As you head back to university this term, what are you looking to be part of and how are you building community?

Whatever season you're in with Small Group, we created a resource that can help. With a copy of Small Groups, Big Mission in your hands you can start dreaming for your group and grow a vision. Let's be builders of contagious communities, joining in with God's movement. 


Small Groups Big Mission 

Katie McLean

Regional Team Leader

It was at university that Katie learnt what it meant to follow Jesus, and she wants to see a generation of students invited to do the same. She loves it when students are bold in their faith and churches are creative in reaching students.

Partner with Katie