Will You Take A Step Of Faith And Prayer Walk Your Campus?

Will you take a step of faith and prayer walk your campus?

Can we see every University campus prayer walked this Autumn term?

’I am giving you every square inch of the land you set your foot on.” Joshua 1:3

We want to see the UK's universities covered in prayer as we head into this new era of student mission. We read in Joshua ’I am giving you every square inch of the land you set your foot on.”. Let's step out this autumn and ask for more of God's kingdom to come on every university campus and ask God for vision. 

Recently I headed out on a prayer walk with the intention of praying for this year's intake of freshers, that they would know God's freedom and know the authority they have to share the Gospel on campus and live a life of mission in this new season. Instead, God showed me pictures of chains breaking and students being set free. While the campus was empty it felt so peaceful and full of hope, the way God intends campus to be. It felt like while campus was empty, God was soaking it in his presence and almost spiritually deep cleaning it, reclaiming His ground and preparing for the new cohort of students to walk onto campus and encounter his presesnce. 

God totally surprised me in what he showed me and the way he showed up. We don't go to encounter God, we go to faithfully pray. Here are some helpful questions to consider as you head out to prayer walk your campus:

What are your hopes and dreams for what you will see God do in this new season of student mission? As you walk declare God's favor.

 As you head out to pray, what is God showing you? What are His dreams for campus? What are you noticing? 

This is an invitation to join in with churches across that nation and prayer walk your campus this autumn. 

Register your prayer walk here!






Katie McLean

Regional Team Leader

It was at university that Katie learnt what it meant to follow Jesus, and she wants to see a generation of students invited to do the same. She loves it when students are bold in their faith and churches are creative in reaching students.

Partner with Katie