4 Top Tips For Choosing A Church At Uni

Choosing a church to call home isn’t easy and COVID has certainly hasn’t made it any easier. I’m wondering why you have found your self reading this blog, perhaps you have never been to church in your life and you are keen to try now, maybe you’ve been home for Christmas and remembered that you are actually keen to follow Jesus and would like to find a church in your uni city, or you may have been church searching since September and you are still not sold on where you want to call home. Whatever the reason is for you clicking on this blog, have a read of the below top tips. I hope you find them useful! 

1. Spend time thinking about what you value in a church

Make a list of things you would value in a church. For example: 

  • - Lots of other students 
  • - Community 
  • - Opportunities to grow 
  • - Opportunities to serve

You won't nesseccarily find all the things you have written down in one church but this process will help you know what you are actually looking for. 

2. Download Student Linkup 

Download the Student Linkup App check out some of the churches near you! You will be able to contact student workers, read about churches and see where they are on a map. There is a shortlist function, a great way to filter your search is to shortlist 4 and give each of them a try. 

3. Show up where you can! 

There has never been a better time to window shop as churches have taken church online, this is a real bonus in church searching as you get a feel for the Sunday services BUT you won't get to meet anyone of get a sense of community. Do show up to Zooms and in-person events, it might feel awkward and it might make you feel a little anxious, that's normal and ok, but take this step and you'll be able to start to make pals and connect with people in the community. This is as important as checking out a live streamed service!

4. Where have you felt most welcome and most at home? 

A church that has welcomed you well and made you feel most at home is a great place to land. You will be able to be known quickly, loved quickly and released quickly. You will also forever be confident bringing your friends along as you know they will also be welcomed really well. 

You might be thinking I’ve done all of the above and I’m still stuck. Here is a key thing to remember: There is no perfect church! 

Take this process seriously but don't spend too long deciding. There are so many brilliant churches we can be spoilt for choice. The sooner you have a church to call home the better. 

My prayer for you is that you find somewhere to call home and a place to belong where you grow as a follower of Jesus. 

Katie McLean

Regional Team Leader

It was at university that Katie learnt what it meant to follow Jesus, and she wants to see a generation of students invited to do the same. She loves it when students are bold in their faith and churches are creative in reaching students.

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