
It is the last week of term and you will soon be finished university for Christmas. After late nights, long lectures and early morning starts you will be getting rest. Rest however is so much more than a good idea- its a command from God.

So often our life can go by so fast it seems like the years are getting shorter and shorter. We are so busy with Christmas and New Year celebrations and then not long after it is Easter time- which means end of term exams aren't long away. Once we finish these we have long but busy summers to get through before we are back at university again. Once we get settled in and back to a routine of study we hit the wind down for christmas and we do it all over again.

Biblically rest is important. In Genesis after the creation narrative we see God resting. In the commandments we are actually commanded to rest- not advised, commanded.

Jesus, our ultimate model of how to live often took time out to rest and be alone with God. If Jesus needs rest to focus on his call, his father and his life- we definitely do.

This Christmas have fun. You have worked hard and deserve time to catch up with your friends, go out to parties and unwind.

But don't forget to rest. Think about your last year- what God has done in you and through you. Take time to reflect on your journey. 

Don't forget this Christmas to be thankful. Thankful that 2000 years ago Jesus came to earth as a baby to show us how to live and to bring the kingdom of heaven to earth.


Mark Knox

Fusion Ireland Developer

Mark connects and serves churches and students across Ireland. He lives in Lurgan and belongs to Emmanuel Church where he leads worship. Mark is committed to seeing churches engage with students in Ireland. He is a big fan of Glenavon FC, music and kebabs.