You Can Be That Generation

2005, seems both so long ago and yet like yesterday...

I was 15 and like most people my age I started the year with a white band strapped around my wrist. Emblazoned on it where the words 'Make Poverty History' for one year many charities joined together to push governments and inspire citizens from every nation that we could rid this world of world poverty.

As a Christian teenager I was inspired by Bono and Bob Geldof- two fellow Irish men. However 11 years on it's not Bono that sticks in my mind, nor is it Pete Doherty and Elton John duetting at Live 8. The thing that sticks in my mind is a quote from Nelson Mandela at that time. He said:

"Sometimes it falls upon a generation to be great. You can be that great generation."

The campaign is over, the concerts are but history and the great Nelson Mandela is dead.

But those words are still true.

We have a generation of Christian students who are living out their faith in towns and cities all over the land- sitting in class, sharing halls and drinking in pubs surrounded by those who don't know Jesus. 

We need a generation who are going to stand up and be counted for their faith.

We long to see a generation on fire for Jesus. 

What would it look like if students began to run Alpha courses for their street? If groups of students began to prayer walk their campus every night? If students began to pray for their non-christian friends, not just on their own in their rooms but face to face praying for them.

It's a big task. It can almost seem too big.

"Sometimes it falls upon a generation to be great. You can be that great generation."

Mark Knox

Fusion Ireland Developer

Mark connects and serves churches and students across Ireland. He lives in Lurgan and belongs to Emmanuel Church where he leads worship. Mark is committed to seeing churches engage with students in Ireland. He is a big fan of Glenavon FC, music and kebabs.