Starting university - The opportunities 3/4

'Quidditch society... is that even a thing?’

‘Yup… we even had the Taylor Swift appreciation society.'

The choices you make a university will lay foundations for the rest of your life. This is your time to make the most of the opportunities that you’re faced with and discover what it means to have God alongside you throughout all of it. The decisions you make at university will not only make a difference to your university life and lifestyle but others around you too so its worth thinking about some of the opportunities you’ll face before you get there. 

The opportunities at university are endless! There is so much to get involved with and give your time to it can be overwhelming at first. But this is your chance to make an impact on the student culture.

‘Pray diligent. Stay alert, with your eyes wide open in gratitude…Use your head as you live and work amongst outsiders. Don’t miss a trick. Make the most of every opportunity. Be gracious in speech. The goal is to bring out the best in others in conversation, not put them down, not cut them out’ - Colossians 4: 2-6 The Message 


Clubs and Societies

Plus and societies are a key component to university life and are a brilliant way to make friends and try out something new. Sports and societies are a great way of keeping fit and trying out something new or practicing an old hobby.

There is such a variety of societies available ranging from sports (like cheerleading or rowing), subject related (like maths or poetry), interest groups (knitting or juggling) and the weird and wonderful (like the bacon appreciate society or custard wrestling)!

You name it, its probably there! But the awesome thing is, if it isn’t you have the opportunity to start a new society. You’ll need a few friends to join in with you, then you can start running something your passionate about!

  • If you could start any club or society, what would it be? 

Clubs and societies at university are all run and led by students themselves, and in your second year onwards you’ll have the opportunity to get involved with helpful run one. Leaders with Jesus’ values are needed in all areas of university life, including society leadership positions. 


Nathaniel's Story 

"One great thing that came from being in societies, was being able to share a bit about my Christian journey with a load of my hall friends. In fact, I was able to pray with two of them in particular at different points, one for some physical and emotional healing in their life, and the other to come back to Christ! The last I heard, the latter one is getting back into her local church, praise God!"



With the increasing tuition fees, students are understandably spending more and more time in the library and studying outside of lectures. The university scene is brimming with potential. The potential is unlocked as we partner with God and work hard.  We pray that as a Christian student you will be inspired to work hard, fulfil your potential and bring glory to God through how you work.

Top tips for studying 

  • Know your environment - working in bed with the TV on probably won’t be the most productive. Visit the library and local coffee shops to see where you work best. 
  • Pace yourself - Lots of student now adopt a 9am-5pm pattern with breaks in the middle. Plan time to work so you don’t burn out and get stressed.
  • Take breaks - make sure your having regular breaks away from your laptop to get some fresh air and some food!



You’ve got more chance of surviving the Titanic that you do carrying on being a Christian after university. It’s a scary statistic but chances are some of your friends might find it hard to get stuck into church at university. 

The church needs students as much as students need church! Going to university is your chance to get stuck into a brand new church. You might want to get stuck into somewhere really similar to your current church or something completely different, but keep an open mind and be ready for God to speak to you! The local church is the most important community that you will be a part of when you get to university, so its worth thinking about what kind of church you want to be a part of before you go. 

  • What kind of church do you go to now
  • What kind church do you think you want to go to at university?
  • What are you passionate about in church?

Local church give amazing opportunities to get discipled, serve and lead, be a part of mission and make choices and commitments. Not only is it the most important community that you’ll be a part of at university, but it will help build and stretch your faith. 


Nathaniel's Story

"For me University was a great time to connect properly into my own church, but also to meet loads of new people through clubs and societies! If there's something you really enjoy, you might as well throw yourself into it and give it a go. For me that was my halls sports teams, I love playing sports so it was a great way of meeting loads of new people, christian and non-christians alike, all whilst having a ball of a time!"


Father, thank you for all of the awesome opportunities that are waiting for me at university. Thank you thats its a time that I can try new things and meet new people. God I pray that you are with me in every opportunity and every choice I make. Be with me in the fun and the hard times. Thank you God that you know me and that you know what lies ahead of me.



This is 3/4 of a Starting University blog series.

1 Starting university - The Start

2. Starting university - The Culture

4. Starting university - The Legacy