Fusion is a church-based student movement, that is passionate about student mission. We believe that God is stirring his church across Europe to work in a more purposeful way with students. This includes:

  • Preparing new students for university
  • Connecting students to churches
  • Raising up student leaders and workers in the local church
  • Resourcing and inspiring discipleship and mission among students

Fusion believes that each nation needs its own church-based student movement that is indigenous, self-governed, self-financed, and open to partnering with other nations. Fusion exists to help establish these movements.
Together the church in Europe is responsible for reaching 30 million students- this includes 2.5 million international students across Europe. In time we envisage the emergence of Fusion Europe with leaders from different nations serving a vision for church-based student mission for Europe.

It is vital that as the church we come together to release students into their potential. They carry the future of their nations on their shoulders, and a generation of students knowing and walking closely with Jesus could dramatically transform society, and lead to more and more students daring to embrace their faith as they go through university.

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