Truth 1. You don’t invest enough money in reaching students.

If you find it awkward to talk about money, you are going to love this!

Students aren’t usually big givers to their church. Many church leaders assume students don’t have much disposable income, so don’t ask them to give. In my home church we recently bucked this trend and went from 17% to 78% of students giving by standing order.

Families typically give a large proportion of the budget in most churches and often have the loudest voice as to how it should be spent. Consequently, churches often spend their budget on children and youth. It’s good that churches invest in their children and essential that they prepare them well as they go to university. We’ve known these children all their lives, of course we want good provision for them. 

The students in your city are someone else's children. Their parents are hoping there is a great church near their kid’s university which is investing in students and spending time and resources to reach the uni culture. They are praying for you! You will have met parents of students in your church who are so grateful for the work you do. 

Students represent 15% of most towns & cities with a university. They often feel like lost and lonely sheep in an intimidating student culture. I am in touch with hundreds of people in churches who want to reach students but there is no budget backing them up. I have one friend who gives her entire salary to reaching students in her church because the church give students such a small budget to reach their friends! And by the way, she also tithes to the church. 

If we are serious about handing our church on to the next generation and we are committed to solving the problem of the 18-30 gap in the church, we need to put our money where our mouth is. 

Examine your budget. Do you know how much your church spends on students? Does it reflects the missional need in your area or are you just portioning the budget to keep the big givers giving? Are you happy with how the budget in your church is being spent?

Read the 5 awkward truths for church leaders

Truth 1 - You don't invest enough in reaching students

Truth 2 - You think students are too young for "proper" leadership

Truth 3 - You are only interested in Christian students, not all students

Truth 4. Your students need to be in and leading non-Christian societies

Truth 5. Everything is better when students are discipled in the local church

These blogs are generalisations. The truths I have stated might not be true in your church. My objective is to provoke and inspire rather than accuse or discourage. Apologies if I haven’t got that balance right.

Photo Credit: Nick Ares

Luke Smith

National Team Leader (England & Wales)

Luke has worked with students in church for 20 years. He loves helping churches figure out how to reach students. He leads the Fusion team to keep them sharp and focused as they serve the local church.

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